Digital Exams: Practicalities, opportunities ...plagiarism?

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation - typerForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Annette Pedersen - Foredragsholder

    How to conduct an exam online; not in theory, but the tales from the trenches... Hands-on experience with digital exams from the Danish department at the University of Copenhagen, with 200+ students taking their linguistic proficiency exam online. It's an exam with a large element of control, yet the teachers decided to let the students do it from home
    Practicalities & opportunities; prerequisites - for the university and the teacher, how to avoid confusion, disaster and (too many) crying students, secure alignment and take necessary but still reasonable measures against plagiarism.
    Bibliografisk note: Slides: Seminar details:
    8 okt. 2010

    Begivenhed (Konference)

    TitelAssessment and exams in education
    EmneDigital exams, testing, LMS, evaluation, assessment, plagiarism.

    ID: 22705480