Shakespeare og retten

I anledning af Shakespeare-året indbydes til en eftermiddag med forelæsninger på engelsk om Shakespeare og retten i et samarbejde mellem Det Humanistiske Fakultet (Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk) Det Juridiske Fakultet (Center for Retskulturelle Studier) og Ernst Andersen og Tove Dobel Andersens Fond.

Tid: Mandag 28.november 2016 kl. 16.00 - 18.00

Sted: Auditorium 23.0.50 (Store Auditorium) KUA, Njalsgade 126, 2300 København S



  • Richard Weisberg, Cardozo School of Law: 'To Know it is not always to Love it: Shakespeare and the Law'
  • Charles Lock, Professor of English Literature, University of Copenhagen: 'Performing the Performative: Swearing by Shakespeare'
  • Præsentation af nyudgivelse af August Golls klassiker Forbrydertyper hos Shakespeare.

Moderator: Professor Ditlev Tamm, Det Juridiske Fakultet

Ernst Andersen og Tove Dobel Andersens fond vil byde på en forfriskning.

Richard Weisberg is an eminent scholar in the cross-disciplinary study of law and literature. He has developed some of the founding theories and concepts in the field and in his frequently cited books has shed new light on literary classics, including Shakespeare. Among his books are The Failure of the Word: the Protagonist as Lawyer in Modern Fiction (1984),  Poethics and other strategies of Law and Literature(1992), Vichy Law and the Holocaust in France (1996) and In Praise of Intransigence: The Perils of Flexibility (2014).  Richard Weisberg is a guest of the Faculty of Law and it is a great pleasure for our two faculties at the University of Copenhagen to be jointly hosting Professor Weisberg at this symposium.

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Fredag 25 November 2016 kl. 12.00.